
Set yourself up for success

Pick and choose your tech stack and save time by generating a customized SaaS template.

Get a free project (worth $30) by signing up for our launch.

By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Service.

Setup SaaS projects in seconds

Name your project, choose your tech stack, and generate a customized SaaS template. Once it's done, it will be uploaded to your GitHub and it will be yours forever.


Connect your GitHub

Authent­icate with your GitHub account.


Name your project

Give your project a unique name.


Choose your tech

Select the tech­nologies you want to use.


Start building

Clone your repository and start building right away.



If you only need one project, this is the plan for you.

$30 $30 per unit

Bundle of 5

Have a few projects in mind? Generate a template for each one.

$130 $26 per unit

Bundle of 10

Generate 10 projects at a discount. Great for serial entrepreneurs.

$220 $22 per unit


Generate as many projects as you want. Great for agencies.


Fancy a free project?

Get a free project (worth $30) by signing up for our launch.

By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Service.

CannonLaunch • Generate customized SaaS templates